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The Africa Roundtable N°3

Europe and Africa: Together for a Just Green Transition

The Africa Roundtable N°3

November 30, 2022

Given the ongoing war in Ukraine and disruptions in global trade, many African countries want to increase their agricultural output and become self-sufficient. African countries hold a vastly underused potential for green technologies such as solar, hydropower and green hydrogen. This should can be harnessed to realise electrification, growth, and exports. Despite historic financial commitments made at the summit, COP27 left many observers feeling that issues concerning Africa fell short. Following the World Climate Conference, we discussed partnership-based solutions and models for future cooperation between Europe and Africa in climate protection at the third edition of The Africa Roundtable.

Minister of Economy, Senegal H.E. Oulimata Sarr

Opening of the third edition of The Africa Roundtable in Dakar 2022

High-Level Side Event

Empowering Women to Feed a Continent

Food security for millions of people worldwide is severely threatened due to the many overlapping crises, and some regions in Africa are experiencing food emergencies. Simultaneously, women and children are disproportionately affected by malnutrition and undernourishment. The side event focused on the lack of focus on the role of women in food systems, women as change makers in food and nutrition security and the missed opportunity for global health.

Contact Persons

Stephanie Igunbor,

Supported by

ACET African Center for Economic Transformation

Gates Foundation

McKinsey & Company

Mo Ibrahim Foundation

BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie

BMZ Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung


In this large-scale format, we offer a platform for experiences and expertise. In close cooperation with our partner organizations, we gather many people around one shared topic.

Program Archive

Recommendations for the Realignment of Germany's Relations with the Countries of the Global South
Commission "A Changing World – Germany and the Global South"

The Commission "A Changing World - Germany and the Global South", chaired by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, presents its first actions recommendations ahead of the German federal elections in 2025.

The Africa Roundtable N°7
Action Recommendations

With data emerging as the key driver of future economic power, Africa's digital transformation is critical and urgent. The action recommendations of the seventh conference.

The Africa Roundtable N°7
Foundations for Africa’s Future: Digital Infrastructure, Digital Public Infrastructure and Data Sovereignty for Economic Growth

The seventh edition of the Africa Roundtable focused on the importance of digital infrastructure and data sovereignty for the digital revolution on the African continent.

Africa’s Critical Minerals
Sustainable Partnerships for Industrial Growth

Our discussion at Raw Materials Congress focused on fostering smart and sustainable European-African partnerships in raw materials to meet demand, boost African growth, and support energy transitions.

Digital Salon
Global Perspectives on: Global Governance
How to Move the Outcomes of Global Summits Beyond Lip Service

The Summit of the Future and the Hamburg Sustainability Conference attracted worldwide attention. We discussed the implementation of the resolutions into concrete changes.

Revolutionizing African Healthcare
The AI Promise?

AI could revolutionize healthcare in Africa. At the World Health Summit, we discussed AI's potential to improve healthcare equity and access.

Financing Africa's Future
Berlin Global Dialogue

We explored current trends and developments in Africa's financial sector and discussed the actions needed by businesses and governments to improve the financial landscape on the continent.

Germany and the New South
Voices, Insights, Expectations

The distribution of power in the international system is changing. We interviewed 10 experts from the so-called 'Global South' to get their insight into their perception of Germany's role.

Africa's Creative Pulse
Local Impact, Global Reach

Africa's creative industries are booming and changing the global cultural landscape. We discussed the growing industry with Nollywood director Funke Akindele and writer Lola Shoneyin.

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Global Perspectives Initiative
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10117 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 55 57 80 530

Global Perspectives Initiative is a non-profit and independent platform based in Berlin, Germany. Global Perspectives works towards enhanced engagement and responsibility for sustainable development by German and European decision-makers and aims to strengthen African perspectives in policymaking.

To this end, Global Perspectives regularly brings together decision- makers from politics, business, civil society, academia and media to discuss new approaches, provide new impulses and raise awareness on the common opportunities and challenges the two neighboring continents are facing.

©2025 Global Perspectives Initiative gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)