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The Africa Roundtable N°5

Action Recommendations

The Africa Roundtable in Berlin 2023 | The Path to Success: Education, Skills, and Leadership

The Action Recommendations following the conference

The Africa Roundtable N°5

December 14, 2023

The fifth edition of The Africa Roundtable took place on November 21 in Berlin. Under the patronage of Federal Minister Svenja Schulze, the conference gathered representatives from multilateral institutions, the private sector, civil society, think tanks, entrepreneurs and investors to discuss the overarching theme of “Education, Skills, and Leadership” for Africa’s youth. Part of the debate was Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as part of the solution to the skills gap on the continent.

While the last roundtable in Nairobi was dedicated to new economic perspectives for cooperation between Europe and Africa, in the fifth edition of the conference we focused on strategies for education, skill building and the labor market of tomorrow.

  • Market-align education and training

    Cross-sector partnerships between government, private companies, TVET providers, universities, foundations, and employment accelerators that are in line with the demands of the labor market.

  • Expand TVET systems

    TVET offers attractive entry points to employment and entrepreneurship. Incentives and campaigns should be used to promote vocational training, particularly among women and disadvantaged groups.

  • Formalize informal skills

    To ensure their recognition of skills while elevating work quality and productivity, it is essential to detect existing skills while improving them through training and practice.

  • Focus on digital transition

    Digital transition is the transformative factor in education and for future jobs. Access to digital infrastructure and technologies for all is of central importance here.

  • Equip with green economy skills

    Green transition plays an important role for the future of education on the African continent. Growth strategies for renewable energies, climate-friendly agriculture, biodiversity protection and climate-resilient infrastructure must be developed.

  • Leverage capacity for innovation

    Young entrepreneurs and start-ups need to be connected to training and mentoring programs as well as access to capital. Promoting innovation on the continent encourages large employers to set up companies and outsource work.


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Global Perspectives Initiative is a non-profit and independent platform based in Berlin, Germany. Global Perspectives works towards enhanced engagement and responsibility for sustainable development by German and European decision-makers and aims to strengthen African perspectives in policymaking.

To this end, Global Perspectives regularly brings together decision- makers from politics, business, civil society, academia and media to discuss new approaches, provide new impulses and raise awareness on the common opportunities and challenges the two neighboring continents are facing.

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