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A Changing World – Germany and the Global South

Chair Kramp-Karrenbauer: "We need a change of perspective in German politics."

A Changing World – Germany and the Global South

January 28, 2025

The countries of the Global South are disproportionately affected by current crises such as climate change, migration, and geopolitical tensions. At the same time, they are increasingly important because of their demographics, natural resources and role in new technologies. While the Western way of life remains attractive, these countries are becoming selective about the issues on which they align themselves with the West. A new international order is emerging and has yet to be defined. As the world’s third largest economy, an exporting nation and a major donor of development funds, Germany must find constructive solutions.

The Expert Commission initiated and coordinated by Global Perspectives Initiative developed action recommendations for Germany’s partnership with the Global South in the midst of geopolitical shifts. The Commission, chaired by the former Federal Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, presents their recommendations in time for the 2025 federal elections.

Inaugural Meeting of the Commission "A Changing World – Germany and the Global South"

Commission Members

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
Federal Minister of Defense (ret.)

From 2019-2021 she served as Federal Minister of Defense after she first became Secretary General of the CDU in 2018 and later its party chair. Prior she was Prime Minister of Saarland from 2011-2018, simultaneously serving as Minister of Justice, and from 2012 on, Minister of Science. She also served as Saarland Minister of the Interior and Minister of Education in 2007 and as Minister of Labor in 2009. In 2021, she handed over the CDU party chairmanship and renounced her seat in the Bundestag.

Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer
Director & Chief Economist, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung

Director and Chief Economist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Technical University of Berlin and Founding Director of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change. In January 2021, he was appointed by Pope Francis as advisor to the Dicastery for Integral Human Development.  Since April 2022, Edenhofer has chaired the European Advisory Board on Climate Change, which was newly established by the EU.

Joschka Fischer
Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs (ret.)

From 1998 to 2005 Joschka Fischer served as Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and as Vice-Chancellor of Germany. Later he became a visiting professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and supported the creation of the Spinelli Group, an initiative to reinvigorate efforts to federalize the EU. Now serving as a senior strategic counsel, he advises on foreign policy issues at the Albright Stonebridge Group and is a founding partner of Joschka Fischer and Company.

Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld
Judge of the Second Senate, BVerfG & Professor for Public Law, University of Göttingen

Since 2016 Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld has been a Judge in the Second Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court. From 2012-2016, she was the Chair of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration. She was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the University of Vienna from 2014-2019. She has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin since June 2021 and a member of the Senate of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2022.

  • Topic

    As renowned personalities in their respective fields, the commission members bring different areas of expertise to the work of the commission. In their inaugural meeting, they agreed on four key topics: Economy, Migration and Skilled Labor, Climate and Environment, as well as Geopolitics and Development.

  • Structure

    The Commission meets every two months to develop recommendations for action and impulses for the realignment of Germany’s relations with the Global South. The first meeting took place in June 2024.

  • Methodology

    A central component of the commission’s work is the integration of perspectives and voices from countries of the Global South. To this end, extensive discussions are held with international experts on the respective topic areas prior to the individual meetings.

  • Objective

    The final report planned for spring 2025 is intended to provide impulses for shaping Germany’s relations with countries in the Global South and to serve as a guide for political decision-makers in the federal election on the future international engagement of Germany in a multipolar world.

The Commission presents its interim report “Recommendations for the Realignment of Germany’s Relations with the Countries of the Global South”. The report examines key challenges such as security policy, climate finance, and global competition for innovation and raw materials. The recommendations are based on extensive research and interviews with more than 45 international experts.

The West believes to be the measure of all things. However, 80% of the world's population lives elsewhere.
Walter Lindner
Former State Secretary at the Federal Foreign Office, former German Ambassador to India, on the necessity of the Commission
Emerging economies are becoming aware of their growing importance and are making demands on Europe and Germany.
Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld
Judge of the Second Senate, BVerfG, on the necessity of the Commission
There can be no solution to global challenges without the Global South.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
Federal Minister of Defense (ret.), on the necessity of the Commission
We live in a world full of solutions and 'only' need to be prepared to act collectively.
Michael Krake
Executive Director for Germany, World Bank Group (WBG), on the necessity of the Commission
As a major trading nation, Germany has a vested interest in growing prosperity in the Global South.
Silvana Koch-Mehrin
President & Founder, Women Political Leaders (WPL), on the necessity of the Commission
The financing of global common goods is one of the key challenges of the 21st century.
Prof. Dr. Ottmar-Edenhofer
Director & Chief Economist, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, on the necessity of the Commission
The green transition and its financing needs present an array of opportunities to forge new global partnerships between the public and private sector.
Maria-Yassin Jah
Head of Transition Finance Advisory, SLR Consulting, on the necessity of the Commission
In an increasingly complex world, Germany must build new bridges and redefine cooperation with the Global South.
Janina Kugel
Non-Executive Director & Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group, on the necessity of the Commission
The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has [...] reduced the existing European security order to absurdity.
Dr. Stefan Mair
Managing Chairman, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), on the necessity of the Commission

To coincide with the launch of the Commission, Global Perspectives published the White Paper “Germany and the New South: Voices, Insights, Expectations”. Based on interviews, it presents the perspectives of experts from the Global South on Germany and their demands for future cooperation. “This publication underlines the urgency of our work. We need to think beyond budgets and responsibilities and engage in a deeper discourse about how to reshape our relationship with the Global South,” says Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Contact Persons

Gregor Darmer,

Sarah van Bentum,


The final report, due in spring 2025, is intended to provide impetus for the future of Germany's partnerships with countries in the Global South. It will serve as a guide for political decision-makers in the Bundestag elections on Germany's future international engagement in a multipolar world.

Program Archive

Recommendations for the Realignment of Germany's Relations with the Countries of the Global South
Commission "A Changing World – Germany and the Global South"

The Commission "A Changing World - Germany and the Global South", chaired by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, presents its first actions recommendations ahead of the German federal elections in 2025.

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Global Perspectives Initiative is a non-profit and independent platform based in Berlin, Germany. Global Perspectives works towards enhanced engagement and responsibility for sustainable development by German and European decision-makers and aims to strengthen African perspectives in policymaking.

To this end, Global Perspectives regularly brings together decision- makers from politics, business, civil society, academia and media to discuss new approaches, provide new impulses and raise awareness on the common opportunities and challenges the two neighboring continents are facing.

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