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Result-oriented, fact-based, continuous

Encounter, Knowledge, Communication

We promote global responsibility and multilateral cooperation by networking key actors and leaders from Africa and Europe at our high-level events. Results and policy recommendations are prepared through studies and strategy papers while we are in continuous exchange with our network. Thus, we ensure that the dialogue has a lasting impact on political discourse. Our focus areas are business and global health as well as pressing political topics. In doing so, we also include the intersecting topics climate, advancement of women and digital matters in our program.


Featured Program Highlight

The Africa Roundtable

The Africa Roundtable is the forum for decision-makers from the political, business and civil society spheres in Europe-Africa cooperation. It deals with pressing issues and challenges of the neighboring continents and develops partnership-based solutions and models for future cooperation. Twice a year, the Africa Roundtable gathers its participants, alternating between the European and the African Continent. Prior publications ensure a fact-based discussion, which is concluded with action recommendations. The eponymous podcast and regular text contributions in pre- and post-processing, complete the program and ensure a continuous dialogue.


Business for Future

Africa’s Critical Minerals
Sustainable Partnerships for Industrial Growth

Our discussion at Raw Materials Congress focused on fostering smart and sustainable European-African partnerships in raw materials to meet demand, boost African growth, and support energy transitions.

Financing Africa's Future
Berlin Global Dialogue

We explored current trends and developments in Africa's financial sector and discussed the actions needed by businesses and governments to improve the financial landscape on the continent.

Africa's Creative Pulse
Local Impact, Global Reach

Africa's creative industries are booming and changing the global cultural landscape. We discussed the growing industry with Nollywood director Funke Akindele and writer Lola Shoneyin.

Digital Salon
Global Perspectives on: Forestry
How Forestry can be a Driver for Economic and Social Political Development

Forests play a vital role in local economies and global climate protection. In our webinar, we explored how economic growth and environmental protection go hand in hand.

Digital Salon
Global Perspectives on: AI
How to Leverage Homegrown AI Solutions for Economic Growth in Africa

Africa is experiencing an AI boom, but challenges persist. In our webinar, we explore the transformative potential of digital sovereignty together with AI experts.

Restart of Business with Africa
Next Generation in Economic Relations

What will sustainable economic cooperation between Europe and Africa look like in the future? We discussed this with stakeholders from the private sector and tomorrow's leaders.

NewSpace in Africa
Take-Off Flight to Innovation, Exploration, Transformation

With a new space agency and an upcoming space port on the continent, the African space industry is capturing global attention. What does this mean for European-African cooperation?

Leveraging the Economic Potential of the African Continent
Berlin Global Dialogue

Our roundtable during Berlin Global Dialogue discusses opportunities and drivers of economic growth on the African continent, while adressing the main roadblocks.

How to Untap the African Venture Market
Experience Exchange & Best Practices for (Co-)Investments

We talk about the African investment and start-up sector, with contributions from Erick Yong Mariatheresa Samson Kadushi and Mouhamed Ndoye.

No Women — No Future
Access to Finance for a Just Development

Together with the Agency for Business and Development, we shed light on what obstacles women face when starting their own business.


The Africa Roundtable

The Africa Roundtable N°7
Foundations for Africa’s Future: Digital Infrastructure, Digital Public Infrastructure and Data Sovereignty for Economic Growth

The seventh edition of the Africa Roundtable focused on the importance of digital infrastructure and data sovereignty for the digital revolution on the African continent.

The Africa Roundtable N°6
Growing Africa’s Future: Advancing Food Sovereignty through Agricultural Innovation

The sixth edition of the Africa Roundtable focuses on how the African continent can unlock its full potential as an agricultural powerhouse.

Skills and Mobility
Why Africa’s Youth Is Key in Creating a Win-Win Situation for Europe and the African Continent

Fostering mobility is considered one of the most important solutions to the skills gap on the African continent. We discuss this at the follow-up to the fifth edition of The Africa Roundtable.

The Africa Roundtable N°5
The Path to Success: Education, Skills and Leadership

The fifth edition of The Africa Roundtable focussed on employability, skills and training and examine the possibilities of equal education and training for Africa's youth.

The Africa Roundtable N°4
Roadmap to Africa: A Turning Point in Economic Relations

As the side event to the annual Ibrahim Governance Weekend, we aim to identify the opportunities to deepen trade and investment relations as well as leveraging private and institutional funding.

The Africa Roundtable N°3
Europe and Africa: Together for a Just Green Transition

Following the World Climate Conference COP27, we discussed partnership-based solutions for future cooperation between Europe and Africa at the third edition of The Africa Roundtable.

The Africa Roundtable N°2
Recovery, Preparedness, and Resilience in Times of Crises

The second edition of The Africa Roundtable focussed on recovery, preparedness, and resilience in times of crises. It examined new possibilities for sustainable European-African cooperation.

The Africa Roundtable N°1
African-European Cooperation on Green Transition & Covid-19 Recovery

At the first edition of The Africa Roundtable, we discussed how the recovery of the post-Covid economy can succeed and why this requires climate protection and cooperation.


The Future of International Cooperation

Recommendations for the Realignment of Germany's Relations with the Countries of the Global South
Commission "A Changing World – Germany and the Global South"

The Commission "A Changing World - Germany and the Global South", chaired by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, presents its first actions recommendations ahead of the German federal elections in 2025.

Digital Salon
Global Perspectives on: Global Governance
How to Move the Outcomes of Global Summits Beyond Lip Service

The Summit of the Future and the Hamburg Sustainability Conference attracted worldwide attention. We discussed the implementation of the resolutions into concrete changes.

Germany and the New South
Voices, Insights, Expectations

The distribution of power in the international system is changing. We interviewed 10 experts from the so-called 'Global South' to get their insight into their perception of Germany's role.

Rethinking Germany’s Global Engagement amid Conflict and the Climate Crisis
Value-Driven Foreign and Aid Policy

Together with David Miliband, CEO & President of IRC, and selected stakeholders from politics, business, academia, we discussed Germany's responsibilities in an international system in crisis.

Discussing Development Policies in a Multipolar World
Background Discussion with Anna Bjerde

In conversation with Anna Bjerde, Managing Director of Operations at the World Bank, and other representatives from politics and business, we discussed efforts in fostering sustainable development.

Germany’s Responsibility in Today’s Changing World
Background Discussion with Bill Gates

Together with Bill Gates, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and other representatives from politics, business and academia, we discussed Germany's new role in the world.

Adapting the Global Financial Architecture
Leveraging IDA for Multilateral Solutions

Together with experts from politics, academia and civil society, we discussed the need to reform the global financial architecture.

No Time for Aid Budget Cuts amid Urgent Hunger Crisis in East Africa

Together with David Miliband, President of the International Rescue Committee we discussed urgent humanitarian aid and new approaches in development and economic cooperation.

Survivors and Agents of Change
Empowering Women in Conflicts

Women are often affected by violence and exploitation in conflict situations and suffer particularly from the destruction of social structures and livelihoods.

Women in Conflict and Peace Building
Why Protection and Participation are Key

Supporting women-led initiatives is critical to bridging the gap between global resolutions and local best practices with expertise on the ground.


The Africa Roundtable

Unlocking Opportunities Through Education
Episode 11

In this episode we are joined by Taha Bawa, Co-founder and CEO of Goodwall, a social enterprise which connects youth to opportunities for skilling, working and social impact.

He Alerted the World on Monkeypox - And Was Ignored
Episode 10

We speak with Professor and Consultant Physician Dimie Ogoina and discuss what lessons he draws from the monkeypox outbreak for improved pandemic preparedness worldwide.

Neglected Tropical Diseases - A Potential Roadmap Forward
Episode 9

What are the main challenges in researching affordable remedies? We speak with Dr. Borna Nyaoke Anoke, physician and senior project manager for clinical trials related to Neglected Tropical Diseases.

G7 needs a new geopolitical partner
Episode 8

Action Recommendations: Christine Mhundwa and Dr. Obiageli ‘Oby’ Ezekwesili, talk about enabling African representation while protecting the environment and ensuring health and preparedness.

Famine Threats - Africa in the Ukraine conflict
Episode 7

Dr. Stefan Mair and Dr. Carlos Lopes on the political, social and societal consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine for the states of Africa.

On Historic Responsibility and 'Post' in the Word Postcolonialism
Episode 6

We talk about colonial structures then and now with the African author Nanjala Nyabola and the director of the Goethe Institute Prof. Dr. Carola Lentz.

On Identity, Flight and New Beginnings
Episode 5

In an interview with Christine Mhundwa, Abdulrazak Gurnah talks about identity, flight and new beginnings, reparations and painful differences in dealing with refugees from the Arab world.

On Migration and Peace
Episode 4

Prime Minister of Senegal (ret.) Aminata Touré and Ottilia Maunganidze of the ISS Africa research institute in an interview on migration from Africa to Europe.

Without Prevention No Health
Episode 3

In conversation with Dr. Noubar Afeyan, founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering (Moderna) and Elhadj As Sy, humanitarian aid expert and board member of the Kofi Annan Foundation.

Global Warming and Future Forecast for German-African Relations
Episode 2

Sudanese entrepreneur and founder, Dr. Mo Ibrahim takes a look at the changing world from an African perspective, why Europe benefits from an African workforce.

Our Formats

  • Conference

    The high-level format provides a stage for experiences and expertise, whose international appeal has a significant impact on the political dialogue. In close cooperation with our partner organizations, we gather different spheres around one shared topic.

  • Salon

    Continuous dialogue creates awareness for the urgent questions of our time. In salons, renowned experts open the discussion with our curated guests from business, politics and society.

  • Circle

    We believe in proximity building trust. Our most personal format therefore offers the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of our high-ranking guests in a small circle, together with an exchange of experiences, in dialogue.

  • Politics Briefing

    Politics Briefing foster professional dialogue with policymakers. This format is aimed particularly at members of the Bundestag, but also at political actors in government, ministries or political foundations.

  • Bilateral Meeting

    With strong networks, the global challenges of the European and African continents can be tackled together. That is why we network opinion leaders from both continents, bringing together those who belong together.

  • Digital Salon

    Our digital dialog series “Global Perspectives on ...” highlights topics and developments relevant to Europe and Africa and invites decision-makers from both continents to discuss with our CEOs Rhoda Berger and Gregor Darmer.


Recommendations for the Realignment of Germany's Relations with the Countries of the Global South
Commission "A Changing World – Germany and the Global South"

The Commission "A Changing World - Germany and the Global South", chaired by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, presents its first actions recommendations ahead of the German federal elections in 2025.

The Africa Roundtable N°7
Action Recommendations

With data emerging as the key driver of future economic power, Africa's digital transformation is critical and urgent. The action recommendations of the seventh conference.

The Africa Roundtable N°7
Foundations for Africa’s Future: Digital Infrastructure, Digital Public Infrastructure and Data Sovereignty for Economic Growth

The seventh edition of the Africa Roundtable focused on the importance of digital infrastructure and data sovereignty for the digital revolution on the African continent.

Africa’s Critical Minerals
Sustainable Partnerships for Industrial Growth

Our discussion at Raw Materials Congress focused on fostering smart and sustainable European-African partnerships in raw materials to meet demand, boost African growth, and support energy transitions.

Digital Salon
Global Perspectives on: Global Governance
How to Move the Outcomes of Global Summits Beyond Lip Service

The Summit of the Future and the Hamburg Sustainability Conference attracted worldwide attention. We discussed the implementation of the resolutions into concrete changes.

Revolutionizing African Healthcare
The AI Promise?

AI could revolutionize healthcare in Africa. At the World Health Summit, we discussed AI's potential to improve healthcare equity and access.

Financing Africa's Future
Berlin Global Dialogue

We explored current trends and developments in Africa's financial sector and discussed the actions needed by businesses and governments to improve the financial landscape on the continent.

Germany and the New South
Voices, Insights, Expectations

The distribution of power in the international system is changing. We interviewed 10 experts from the so-called 'Global South' to get their insight into their perception of Germany's role.

Africa's Creative Pulse
Local Impact, Global Reach

Africa's creative industries are booming and changing the global cultural landscape. We discussed the growing industry with Nollywood director Funke Akindele and writer Lola Shoneyin.

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Global Perspectives Initiative
Dorotheenstraße 3
10117 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 55 57 80 530

Global Perspectives Initiative is a non-profit and independent platform based in Berlin, Germany. Global Perspectives works towards enhanced engagement and responsibility for sustainable development by German and European decision-makers and aims to strengthen African perspectives in policymaking.

To this end, Global Perspectives regularly brings together decision- makers from politics, business, civil society, academia and media to discuss new approaches, provide new impulses and raise awareness on the common opportunities and challenges the two neighboring continents are facing.

©2025 Global Perspectives Initiative gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)